Thursday 22 September 2011

Measurement and Error

SI Unit Prefixes, Multiples, and Symbols:

SI Base Units:

Base unit: A fundamental unit that is defined arbitrarily and not by combinations of other units. The base units of the SI system are the meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, and candela.

Derived Units:

Derived Unit: combinations of base units used to measure area, volume, force, pressure, energy, power, voltage, frequency, and electric current.

- Error is a fundamental part of science
- There are usually 3 reasons for error
- Physical errors in the measuring device
- "sloppy" measuring
- Changing factors

- 2 ways to calculate Error
- Absolute Error
- Formula : Absolute Error = Measured Value - Accepted Value
- Percent Error
- Formula :

- JanCarlo Paysan

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