Tuesday 15 November 2011

Avrogado's Number (How we count atoms)

•Atoms & molecules are extremely small
•Macroscopic objects contain too many to count or weigh individually
•Amedeo Avrogado proposed that the # of atoms 12.00000g of Carbon be equal to a constant (This is equal to 1 mol of Carbon)
•This value is now called Avrogado's Number & froms the basis of all quantitative chemistry.
Avrogado's Number → 1mol = 6.02x10^23
•One mole is simply a multiple of things, such as:
∟1 pair = 2
∟1 dozen = 12
∟1 century = 100
∟1 mol = 6.02x10^23
•One mole represents a huge # of particles:
•Atoms                       Element                             6.02x10^23             Fe
                                                                                1 mol                                                             
•Molecules                 Covalent Compound            6.02x10^23             CO2     
                                                                                1 mol                                                                 
•Formula Unit             Ionic Compound                 6.02x10^23              NaCl
                                                                                1 mol

-Paulo Santillan  

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