Tuesday 22 May 2012

Functional Groups

- Contain an oxygen atom in the middle of two carbon chains
- Name by lowest number of carbons to highest
- functional group is "O" and ends in "ether"

- An aldehyde is a compound that has a double bonded oxygen at the end of a chain
- The simplest aldehyde is methanal (also called formaldehyde)
- ends in -al

Carboxylic Acids
- Carboxylic acids are formed by the function group O=C-OH
- Use standard rules but change the parent chain ending to -oic acid
- The simplest carboxylic acid is methanoic acid

- Carbon chain separated by an oxygen
- Has double bonded oxygen
- ends in - oate
- Naming starts with carbon chain without double bonded oxygen

- Standard naming rules
- Nitro in front of parent chain
- functional group : NO2

- Function group : N
- Separates carbon chains
- numbering starts from N & goes in alphabetical order
- ends in Amine
- bonded to either hydrogen or carbon
- Primary amines = 1 carbon chain
- Secondary amines = 2 carbon chains
- Tertiary amines = 3 carbon chains

- Functional group : O=C-N
- ends in -amide
- NH2 starts with double bonded oxygen

- JanCarlo Paysan

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