Sunday 18 September 2011

Physical & Chemical Changes

Matter can undergo many changes
3 Categories
- Physical Changes
- Chemical Changes
- Nuclear Changes

Physical Changes
- Involves changing shape or state of matter
   - ex. crushing, tearing, ect....
- No new substances are formed
   - ex. boiling water, cutting wood, smashing cars, etc..

Phase Changets
- Changing from a solid to a gas can often be confused as a chemical change
   - chemicals remain the same
During the melting process chemicals usually follow this path

Chemical Change
- New substances are form
-Properties of the matter change
   -conductivity, acidity, colour, etc..
   -ex. iron rusting, burning wood, digesting food

Changes in Physical State
- Solid to Gas = Sublimation
- Solid to Liquid = Melting
- Liquid to Solid = Solidification / Freezing
- Liquid to Gas = Evaporation
- Gas to Liquid = Condensation
- Gas to Solid = Deposition / Sublimation

- JanCarlo Paysan

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