Sunday 25 September 2011

Significant Digits & Scientific Notation

Significant Digits

The certain digits and the estimated digit of a measurement are together
Not all digits are significant
-All numbers other than zero are significant
-Place saving zeros aren't significant (decimals)
0.005= 1 S.D. ∟0.0050= 2 S.D.
When multiplying and dividing:
-round your answer to the lowest number of S.D in the initial numbers

When adding and subtracting:
-round to the lowest decimal place from the original numbers

Scientific Notation

When writing in scientific notation, numbers split into 2 parts:
-Number btwn. 1→10
-Power of ten
∟1000 = 10 x 10 x 10 = 10^3

-Paulo Santillan

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