Wednesday 14 March 2012


Diluting Solutions

-When 2 solutions are mixed the concentration changes
-Dilution is the process of the decreasing the concentration by adding a solvent (usually water)
-The amount of solute does not change

n1 = n2
C1V2 = C2V2

-Because concentration is mol/L we can write:
C = n/v
n = CV → mol/L x L = mol
C1V1 = C2V2

-Determine the concentration when 100ml of 0.10M of HCL is diluted to a final volume of 400ml.
V2= 400mL
V1= 100mL
C1= 0.10M
C2= ?

C1V1 = C2V2
C1V1 / V2 = C2
(100)(0.1) / (400) = C2
C2 = 0.025M

-Paulo Santillan

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