Wednesday 14 March 2012

Solution Stoichiometry

- Solutions are homogenous mixtures composed of a solute and a solvent
   - solute is the chemical present in the lesser amount (whatever is dissolved)
   - solvent is the chemical present in the greater amount (whatever is dissolving)
- Chemicals dissolved in water are aqueous
    NaCl(s) --H20--> NaCl(aq) : to show something dissolved by water

- Concentration can be expressed in many different ways
   - g/L, mL/L, % by volume, % by mass, mol/L
- The most common ( in Chem 11/12) is mol/L which is also called Molarity
   - mol/L = M
   - [HCl] = concentration of HCl

- JanCarlo Paysan

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