Sunday 23 October 2011

Quantum Mechanics

Bohr Theory
- The electron is a particle that must be in orbital in the atom

Quantum Theory
- The electron is a cloud of negative charge or a wave function
- Orbitals are areas in 3D space where the electrons most probably are
- The energy of the electrons is in its vibrational modes - like notes on a guitar string
- Photons are produced when high energy modes change to lower energy modes

S Orbitals
-each holds 2 electrons

P Orbitals
- There are 3 suborbitals
- Each contains 2 electrons
- Total = 6 electrons

D Orbitals
- There are 5 suborbitals
- Each contains 2 electrons
- Total = 10 electrons

F Orbitals
- There are 7 suborbitals
- Each contains 2 electrons
- Total = 14 electrons

(orbital shapes)

- JanCarlo Paysan

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